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Seizures that are difficult to control with antiepileptic drug therapy. In pharmacology – The effect or influence of two or more drugs acting on each other. Hinder, restrain or prevent (an action or process) The process of absorbing substances or medications into the body by eating or drinking them. The state of being diminished, weakened, or damaged, especially mentally or physically. A hybrid strain of cannabis. To discharge or expel waste matter, such as urine, sweat, carbon dioxide, or faeces from the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, bowels, etc. A substance produced by the body to help speed up chemical reactions in the body. A place where medicines are prepared and provided. The chemical process to remove a carboxyl group and release carbon dioxide. This term usually refers to baking/heating cannabis at a low temperature to convert inactive THCA into psychoactive THC. 
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